Psalm 121 Reflection

Episode 36 May 12, 2022 00:07:53
Psalm 121 Reflection
Catholic News
Psalm 121 Reflection

May 12 2022 | 00:07:53


Show Notes

As an important part of our resources for the Day of Prayer for the Survivors of Abuse, we have produced an audio reflection on Psalm 121. We listen to an introduction before hearing a reading of the Psalm. Then a survivor offers her personal reflection on the psalm before we offer prayers for survivors of abuse, their families, friends and communities.


Psalm 121, I lift up my eyes to the mountains, is given the title of ‘A song of Ascent to Jerusalem’. The psalmist looks at the journey ahead of him, through mountains and hills, and seeks God to help him.

Survivors of Abuse are, unwillingly, thrust into to this journey, that for every moment of life after abuse, will always be mountainous at times, sometimes steady and more settled and also near on impossible at others.

The survivor journey can often feel lonely and isolated, and whilst always trying to move forwards, that sense of loneliness, of feeling fragmented, facing that steeply impossible mountain is often accompanied by a silent cry of ‘Who will help me?’

This question is often left unanswered, as the very nature of abuse can make it impossible to trust anyone to have your best interests at heart, to want to help you with your heavy load. Life lived in a paradox of needing help, but not being able to trust enough to accept it. This paradox means that the psychological impact continues to be perpetuated long after abuse ends.

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