Bishop Declan Lang, Chair of our International Affairs department, recently joined former Middle East North Africa advisor to the Bishops' Conference, Dr Harry Hagopian, on a special podcast to discuss the tragic events playing out in the Holy Land as the conflict continues to rage in Gaza.
Five long, painful months after the Hamas terror attack of 7 October and the subsequent bombing and ground offensive that has reduced Gaza to rubble and led to several thousand deaths and a humanitarian disaster of the most tragic proportions, this 'Middle East Analysis' special asks the question: Is there a road map to peace in the Holy Land or are we eternally to walk the path of violence, revenge and hatred?
Dr Harry Hagopian, an international lawyer, commentator, and MENA region analyst, joins his old friend Bishop Declan for a 30-minute podcast that we have, with permission, uploaded to our 'Catholic News' channel.
They look for any signs of light in the darkness, and mourn decades of failure when it comes to securing a lasting peace for Palestinians and Israelis.
You can subscribe to our Catholic News podcasts via Apple Podcasts, Amazon/Audible or Spotify.
The Lead Bishop for Marriage and Family Life, Bishop David Oakley, has spoken to us about a new resource that offers reflections on the...
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Archbishop Patrick Kelly, retired Archbishop of Liverpool and former Chair of the Holy Land Co-ordination, is our guest for this ‘Catholic News’ podcast. He...